development of digital circuits due to such unavailability of integrated circuits ICs (integrated circuits) that are not expensive. Some manufacturers have made many digital IC group can igunakan together to develop a digital system. IC in a group is said to be interchangeable, and the IC can be connected easily. One of the group manufactured using bipolar technology. This IC contains the parts that form discrete bipolar transistors, diodes, and registers. The presence of integrated circuit (IC) technology to deliver the microcontroller, which becomes as a breakthrough technology of microprocessors and microcomputers, were present to meet the needs of the market (market needs) and new technologies. As a new technology, ie technology transistor semiconductors with more content, but requires only a small space and can be mass produced (in large quantities) makes the price is cheaper (compared to the microprocessor). As the needs of the market, the microcontroller is present to meet the tastes of the industry and consumers will need and desire assistive devices toy even better and more sophisticated.
Unlike computer systems, which are capable of handling a wide range of application programs (such as word processing, processing angkadan etc.), the microcontroller can only be used for a particular application (only one program that can be stored). Another difference lies in the comparison of RAM and ROM. In comparison computer system RAM and ROM is large, meaning that the user programs are stored in RAM space is relatively large, whereas routines interface hardware is stored in a small ROM. While on Microcontroller, ROM and RAM comparison of his large, meaning that the control program stored in ROM (could Masked ROM or Flash PEROM) are relatively larger in size, while the RAM is used as a temporary storage place, including the registers used in microcontroller concerned. As for the excess - excess microcontroller is a programming language based on the rules of the assembly to the base so that the operation of the digital system becomes very easy to work according to the logic of the system (assembly language is easy to understand because it uses assembly language applications where input and output parameters can be accessed directly without using a lot of command). Design an assembly language does not use so many terms of writing a programming language such as uppercase and lowercase letters to keep diwajarkan assembly language, arranged in a single chip microcontroller which the processor, memory, and I / O is integrated into a unified control system so that the microcontroller can be considered as a computer mini can work innovatively in accordance with the needs of the system., and the system is running stand alone without depending on the computer while the computer parameter is only used for the download command or program instructions. Steps to download a computer with a microcontroller is very easy to use because it does not use a lot of command.
Hopefully this information can assist you in completing the task, or increase knowledge thank readers.